Un 2x

Office Backhaul in Crisis Regions

The Challenge

The challenge faced by the UN teams was communications equipment cost and logistics. Team members are chosen from the within the UN’s technical and IT departments around the world, people who are IT literate, but not satellite terminal specialists. They are invited to satellite terminal training programs to learn how to use the communications equipment they will later depend on in a crisis. Users needed to quickly build confidence and skill in the setup and operation of all the equipment used in the field, especially the satellite terminal. As the kits would be available for operation all around the world, the satcom terminals needed to be easily transportable.

Demands on the satellite terminal are high, from providing enough network bandwidth to support a remote office - file transfers, network operations, multiple VOIP calls and more – to simple and reliable operation, and economical operating costs.

The Solution

The UN response offices selected the CONNECT100T satellite terminal from Paradigm, operating on the Inmarsat Global Xpress satellite network. This offered the UN the perfect balance between operational cost, integration and service bandwidth. The CONNECT100T incorporates the PIM® (Paradigm Interface Module), an intelligent terminal controller that integrates the modem, RF control and power distribution, providing the user with a quicker, simpler terminal pointing process and significantly reducing the cost of training. In addition, the CONNECT100T met the UN’s strict requirements for ruggedness and portability, as well as offering long-term installation capability.

The Impact

The rapid integration of the CONNECT100T into the UN office ready-kits quickly changed global operations. Units stationed at key locations around the world, ready for immediate deployment to crises, reduced the all-important response time, quickly providing the crucial backhaul data connection for on-the-ground administration and communication networks. Integration went smoothly, with trainees quickly becoming confident terminal operators.

The rollout of common equipment saved the UN money through lower operational costs and minimal training, while benefitting from best in class terminal performance.

The UN will continue to operate with Paradigm terminals in order to facilitate its emergency response operations

The world’s most advanced satcom, made simple

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  • Simple operation
  • Fast, agile deployment
  • Reliable environmental performance

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