a desert with people and a car in the distance

It’s the simplicity that gives you confidence.

Military image 2x


Achieve decision dominance. When speed and agility impact mission success, rely on truly rapid, rugged secure comms to optimise critical decision-making.

Government image 2x


Responsible for national security, safety and stability? Gather and distribute critical intelligence with discretion and exceptional speed.

Ngo image 2x


Save lives? Whether coordinating logistics, welfare or a critical link, ensure you can communicate when disaster strikes, despite limited infrastructure or resource.

Commercial image 2x


Need real-time dependable data transfer that’s quick and easy to operate? Paradigm allows you to communicate from the heart of the action, wherever you are in the world.

The UN will continue to operate with Paradigm terminals in order to facilitate its emergency response operations.

The world’s most advanced satcom, made simple

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Book a demo

If you have an application that requires:

  • Simple operation
  • Fast, agile deployment
  • Reliable environmental performance

Or maybe all three…

Book a demo today.
